Wednesday, June 18, 2008

sweaty but glad

i'm still sweaty. exercise for over an hour is not bad.

i still have to work on my portion control. it is a lot of work, and i won't rush it. i hate it that i am such a fan of whatever it is i cook. i made pasta with vegetarian sauce for lunch. what should have happened is that i shouldn't have had that second helping. but i did. it is past and over, so i won't dwell on it.

tomorrow is another day. i am excited about the diet plan i have in my head. it is not a strict regimen, but as i said, all i have to work on is my control over eating for ten people. it is a process, and if i have a plan that i can easily follow, i think it will be easier for me.

off to work tonight, and i hope i won't get tempted to eat whatever food is at work, since i will be bringing my fruits and i will have a glass of soymilk before i go.

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